Expressive Arts Therapy
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Expressive Arts Therapy

Sunday Well-being Workshop

How will this Workshop help you:

- Help people express their feelings

- Improves social skills

- Help overcome challenges

- Releases trauma

- Improves communication skills

- Helps overcome depression/anxiety

- Helps generate new ideas for creative endeavors

- Releases pent-up emotion

What will you do in this 3 hour workshop? 

Each Client is Encouraged to use multiple forms of creatives to explore and articulate their inner world. Music, Drawing and Painting/ Art Work / Movements with Music. It is helpful in Expressing Hard Feelings, Improving Social Skills, Releasing Grief and Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Generating new ideas for creative endeavors and promotes emotional growth and mental well-being.

Who can attend this? 

15 years and above

Discovering a sense of happiness
Nurturing Emotional Growth
Dealing with Trauma and Healing